Jamin - these quarterly reports are always some of your best and most interesting posts. Thanks. As per FactSet, 71% of SP 500 companies that have issued Q1 guidance have issued negative EPS guidance for Q1. Some of the most "debby-downer" guidance since Q3 2019 and Q1 2023. For tech stocks, the hyperscalers will set the tone starting next week.

Re: the green shoots we are seeing in cloud/SaaS...perhaps this is the best time for these stocks before they take off. Timing their bottom is not easy and when they are most pessimistic is historically a good time to consider them for a tech portfolio. Cheers!

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may I ask where you take the data from? i checked only FCF of Gitlab and I see only 5% (with SBC). You show 15%.


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Absolutely incredible work here, Jamin. Thank you for taking the time to put this together 🙏

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