Given the >40% ARR growth, why is Rubrik's multiple of 6.5x NTM revenue not follow the high growth companies of >8x?

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Trying to understand the valuation on Rubrik myself but my guess is the negative FCF margin. Jamin regularly notes that the top rev multiples are all FCF positive while Rubrik isn’t there yet. Not sure their pathway to get there either. Thoughts on that Jamin? Thanks!

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Glad to see the steady trickle of tech IPOs. I hope it becomes a larger consistent flow because it is, imo, healthy for capital markets. As a retail investor, I would rather that startups go public than stay private.

One observation about your Top 10 EV / NTM Revenue Multiples table. Looking at the top 4 companies - NET, CRWD, PLTR, DDOG. I wonder if, after the recent rerating in tech companies, we could now consider these companies to be the cream of the crop. Meaning, investors are willing to pay up a little higher for these companies versus others lower in the table. Just a thesis that I am considering...Cheers!

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