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Thanks, Jamin. What are your current thoughts on the impact of AI/agents on per seat pricing models beyond the costs of LLMs/inference? Do you see this as a non factor in the sense companies will generally hire the same amount of people, but be able to grow much faster through these tools/efficiency...or will these revenue models need to evolve to consumption or providing agent services/workforces to survive - similar to what Salesforce seems to be doing? I've been conflicted on Atlassian as an example. If the general sentiment is that agents are going to have the most immediate impact on development teams/process, and a lot of that development process is going to be agent based with a human "orchestrator" of sorts, on the surface it feels like a risk to Atlassian's revenue model benefiting from large/growing development teams(per seat $). Appreciate any thoughts on the subject(from anyone here). I've adjusted my portfolios application weighting accordingly for now, but wonder about other points of view. Thanks

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